The Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity

The Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity

The purpose of the Kamprad Family Foundation is to support, stimulate and reward education and scientific research to promote entrepreneurship, the environment, competence, health and social improvement. It will focus specifically on implementing the results of the research and education to benefit the many people quickly and cost-efficiently.

Future open call for research projects

The foundation announces funding for research projects within two fields, ”A better environment” and ”Improved quality of life for the elderly”.

The application involves two steps. Step 1 (project idea and budget) will be open September 3 – October 1.

Previously open calls

Medicine and health, with a focus on knowledge-based, integrated and equal care. See full terms & conditions

Entrepreneurship, for the development of a living countryside. See full terms & conditions

Improved quality of life for the elderly. See full terms & conditions